
Showing posts from December, 2008

“玩味宿霧島” 2008在德國和西班牙得獎 現正角逐2009全球在倫敦頒獎

GOURMAND WORLD COOKBOOK AWARDS 2008 2008年 12月 19日 您是來自台灣2008年的得獎者 您贏得入圍參加下一項2009年全球性的 “GOURMAND BEST IN THE WORLD” 參選資格

Come Get Warm in Japan 快來日本取暖

Frantic Holiday Syndrome Sounds like a new type of flu, doesn't it? It's just a term I came up with to describe the way we tend to stress during the holidays. The holiday syndrome makes you feel cold and lonely? Don not let the winter blues get you. Let's see how Japanese people embrace the crowds and get warm in the trains.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I wish you all have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

Side Trip to Eton College

England, 1998 Showing the proximity of Windsor Castle, UK I had arrived London from the south west of Sunderland, England, yesterday. In order to go to London Heathrow Airport to pick up my Chinese-language-editor E from Taiwan, I had to get to London one day prior to arrival of E for an assignment

El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

12/14/2004 12/14/2008: It has been 4 full years today since I first visited El Nido, Palawan, Philippines

Radio Interview on Savoring Cebu

12/8/2008 Before going on radio Live, using a cellphone camera by Don Don 在上現場廣播之前 用手機的自拍照

Boracay & Xiao Xien

12/7/2007 小嫻在長灘島

Wishes for a Merry Christmas from Don

Dear Readers, 唐 Don has sent you an ecard.