
Showing posts from September, 2004

Grey Moth? 2/2

9/15/2004 回程 吉隆坡機場貴賓候機室 灰蛾? 2004 年秋天 拉大隊從台灣先飛到新加坡工作 再進馬來西亞工作

I am Far

Located in the heart of the business and shopping district of Kuala Lumpur 遠走他鄉 剛在吉隆坡落地 客戶派車載我們一行近三十位工作團隊離開機場前往市區 #MondayBlues I am Far We just touchdowned in Kuala Lumpur. The client sent a coach to pick up our team of nearly 30 leaving airport bound for downtown district.