
Showing posts from April, 2009

Penses à Moi

Penses à moi comme je t'aime. Think of me just like my love. 你對我的思念 正如我的愛意

Hard-Earned Money

I am a freelancer . Luckily never have to work in a cubicle. Lately I came across some video clips helping me to realize how 9-to-5 office workers make their hard-earned money. 我是一個自由工作者 幸運地 從來不需要被關在小隔間裡上班 最近 我發現一些影片幫助我去了解 原來一般上班族群要如何辛苦才能賺到血汗錢

2009/4/20 通告!

3/10/2009 (3/30/2009 在泰國更新) 剛結束在泰北清邁3家超級飯店 (一家散落在稻田間的別墅渡假中心,一家當地全新尚未正式開幕的時髦都會飯店,還有一家奢華採男同性戀定調的精品旅館) 之旅。

Hotel Swimming Pool Pilgrimage Tour

Photo by myself at the fancy poolside of the Panglao Island Nature Resort, Bohol, 1/12/2006


Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills Oops, That is my car across the street in the picture! 加州 比佛利山莊 羅迪歐大道 啊 我居然拍到自己停在對街的車子了!

Around the World "Stand By Me"

Featured is a cover of the Ben E. King classic by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it travelled the globe. Playing For Change 小組帶著小白手提電腦和錄音、錄影器材 由加州聖塔摩尼加出發跑世界 把各地街頭藝人詮釋 Ben E. King 的經典好歌重新混合出輯 藉以傳達、散播音樂代表和平的概念