
Showing posts from October, 2011

Typhoon vs Hurricane

The 18th typhoon alert in Asia this Summer on September 28, 2011

Maximum Alert on Guatemala

Façade: my first impressions of Central America! Roads in Guatemala City and dirt roads in the mountains continue to deteriorate with the torrential rains.

Siri Says

The iPhone 4S personal assistant application, Siri, not only talks back with humor and wins your heart, too

Day 15: Hanoi Vietnam

5/4/2009, Vietnam The Hồ Chí Minh Mausoleum (Vietnamese: Lăng Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh)

Thanksgiving Airfares Soaring

Going home for Thanksgiving? You will be so surprised when booking your flights for the upcoming holiday season.

High Radiation Reading in Setagaya

My personal view on nuclear power plants (on the geographic magazine assignments photography) Japanese TV stations reported that Tokyo Setagaya Ward 6 in the volume of residential sidewalk near the string measure up to one hour 3.35 (10/13/2011 updated) instead of 2.707 micro on 10/12/2011. Sever levels of radiation. 東京都世田谷区の高放射線量 東京都世田谷区弦巻5丁目の区道で高い 射 線量が検出された問題で、同区は13日午後 、改めて測定結果を 公表する。12日までに毎時約2.7マイクロシーベルトが確認されたが、13日午前の専門業者 による測定ではさらに高 い3.35マイクロシーベルトを検出。区は原因の特定と除染を急ぐ考 えだ。

Day 14: PM Bac Ha Vietnam

5/3/2009, Vietnam

Changes Under the Hood

image: The iPhone 4 drops to $99 for the 8GB version while the iPhone 4S is featured at higher price points for their 16GB/32GB/64GB models.