I am Far

Located in the heart of the business and shopping district of Kuala Lumpur


剛在吉隆坡落地 客戶派車載我們一行近三十位工作團隊離開機場前往市區

#MondayBlues I am Far

We just touchdowned in Kuala Lumpur. The client sent a coach to pick up our team of nearly 30 leaving airport bound for downtown district.

Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I’ve got to go home

sang by Michael Bublé

汽車裡音響播送著男歌手 Michael Bublé 滄傷的嗓音 低迴呢喃著

四海為家的我 居然被這首未曾聽過的歌聲撩起一陣陣心酸的情緒 壓抑好幾天之後 直到 攝影大隊收完工 在吉隆坡機場的貴賓室等飛機 才靜下心 重理莫名的思緒 捫心自問 “I want to go home... 家? 家又在哪裡?” 對於一個沒家的旅人而言 哪來什麼遠走他鄉情愁? 連日來 沒來由地的低潮 總算到此為止 再想一想 “I’m just too far from where you are... 你? 你又在哪裡?” 對於一個沒人掛念的旅者而言 哪來什麼牽腸掛肚的你? 而你 究竟在哪裡?

為何化解鄉愁之後 反而愁上加愁呢?

Michael Bublé's lowly wounded voice flowing out from the vehicle stereo.

Even I am a frequent globe roamer myself. Unexpectedly got the sentimental feeling by this first heard voice and song. Days after all job was done by our photography team, while we gathered in the VIP lounge of Kuala Lumpur Airport waiting before boarding. I then engaged in disclosure and introspection the being constrained gnawing sad feeling. "I want too go home... A home? In where?" For a big traveler like me, there is no such thing called HomeSick! The unnamed ebb tide finally came to a stop. "I'm just too far from where you are... You? In where?" The unattached traveler like me, there is no such person called obliged you! But you actually where?

Why I got this sullen gloomier mood after skimmed out the non-existence nostalgia sense?

Let me go home
I’m just too far from where you are
I wanna come home

Note (2/14/2008): I just found out its singer, Michael Bublé, 4 years later, and this clip since I first heard a snippet at the tail end of this song from the car stereo in Malaysia, in 2004.

註 (2008/2/14) :
自從 2004年 在馬來西亞我第一次從汽車立體音響聽見了這首歌曲終尾的小片斷 我剛剛 , 4 years later,才發現了這首歌的演唱者 Michael Bublé 和這支音樂影片

Behind the scenes story,

Stay in a Test Run Hotel Again

More eye-catching pictures at,

This is a Real Home


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