
Showing posts from May, 2009

48 Nikon D700

5/31/2009 You want to be a big-time Model crowded around with super cameras? 你夢想成為一個被超級相機所環繞不折不扣的名模嗎? Well, you must try this one now! 那麼 你最好立刻使出這一招!

Give It 2 Me

Here is a killer track to share with you. And the edit of the video is simply amazing too.

Nobody (but You)

3/25/2009 Don on the rooftop of Hotel Majestic Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Photo by Ryan. Hey all, Yes, I am still burying myself in the insanely huge workload, days and nights. Two-thirds of post production to go at the time of this writing. 大家好 理所當然地 我仍然被瘋狂的工作份量壓到不能透氣 日以繼夜 截至目前 還有2/3的影像尚待處理 You think policemen can not dance? Check this out!


6/14/2008, Taiwan Photo by Assistant R in Bohol Island

(Updates) Lenten

Taipei at 01:10 GMT +8 on 5/19/2009


1970's Illustrated by Toriyama Sekien (鳥山 石燕 1712 - 1788)

Travel to Pearl Farm Resort Davao

前往大堡珍珠農場渡假中心 2009/04/13 00:11 沒去過你建議自由行嗎?

Tant Pis

Tant pis. Such an amount of worse. 否極泰來