48 Nikon D700


You want to be a big-time Model crowded around with super cameras?


Well, you must try this one now!

那麼 你最好立刻使出這一招!

48 Nikon D700

A rig for the MTV Movie Awards 2009, powered by 48 Nikon D700s. Behind the scenes scoop of the 360˚ Nikon rig at the MTV movie awards.

見識 48 台尼康 D700 大合體

2009 年的 MTV 電影頒獎會場上 搬來一整套由 48 台尼康 D700 所合體的強大火力 以下就是 MTV 電影獎中把尼康相機 360˚ 懸掛在半空中的幕後花絮大公開


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