Quang Ninh Province’s police on February 20 arrested the captain and chief mechanic of the sunken (overnight) tourist boat that killed 12 tourists on February 17 at 5 A.M. 下龍灣遊船沈沒 廣寧省的警察在2月20日拘捕了 (過夜)遊船的船長和技工 兩人涉嫌在2月17日清晨5點沈船事件中造成12名旅客死亡
image: ego54.com Latin America's first official gay cruise will leave the port of Buenos Aires next month for two cities in Uruguay. 拉丁美洲史上第一艘同性戀渡假郵輪 下個月從布宜諾斯艾利斯港口出巡 航向烏拉圭的二個城市
埃弗后依博物館 文化的見證 美國加州聖塔巴巴拉 Santa Barbara County, California, USA Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Editor: Spencer Shih (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)