
Showing posts from March, 2000


Ama Sua, Ama Llulla, Ama Qella 揭開祕魯的神秘面紗 南美洲秘魯 Peru, South America Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in newspaper in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Cusco 庫司科

Plaza de Armas 「世界中心」聖城庫司科 "Center of the World" Cusco 南美洲秘魯 庫司科 Cusco (Cuzco, or "Qosqo" in Quechua), Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!) 當地有些人說著西班牙語,在西班牙風格的建築群中穿梭,但是,此處卻不是西班牙,這是「世界的中心」。

Peter Rabbit

到英國湖區 不可錯過可愛的彼得兔 英國湖區 Don Schumann

Landmark Stands on the River!

This daily news full-page article was previously published on one of my running-over-one-decade-long Sunday columns 地標,站在河面上!- 英倫塔橋面面觀 Landmark Stands on the River! : London Tower Bridge 英國 倫敦 London, England Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Largo de Titicaca

「文明搖籃」迪迪喀喀湖 "Cradle of Civilization" Largo de Titicaca 浩翰湛藍的湖水 我們生活在水與天堂之間 Our Life Between Waters and Heaven 南美洲秘魯 迪迪喀喀湖 Titicaca Lake, Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Biyu Jiang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Mira Flores 米菈弗若蕊斯

「模範之都」利馬的米菈弗若蕊斯 "Model Capital" Mira Flores, Lima 南美洲秘魯 利馬 Lima, Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)