In Three Hours 不到三小時

In Taiwan, on the date of 5/24/2006. When I was shooting this set of portraits I was suffering from gastroenteritis, the third day already. I could have done this earlier, the original schedule was 5/14 to 5/16, but I was stranded on tropical island by typhoon for previous work. My customer, Mr. Simon Lee was leaving for Hong Kong in no time.

And I would have to fly next day early morning too. That means no more postponements allowed. My plans were to get up at 4:30 AM, then check in Airlines' counter at 6:00 AM next day, on 5/25/2006. I finished shooting this gorgeous portraiture work around 23:00 PM, 5/24/2006. Tided up the lighting, inspected my luggage, packed the equipment and set 2 alarm clocks. Tried to phone a night-shift friend asking to ring me out of bed on time. But failed. Ready to bed it was 1:30 AM, 5/25/2006.

5/24/2006 在台灣 拍這組人像時 我已經是鬧了三天的腸胃炎 原本的拍攝時程訂在這之前 在5/14到5/16之間 但是 當時我出外景被颱風困在國外的海島上 忙碌的客戶命理師李咸陽先生近日即將前往香江 繼而轉往中國大陸宣傳

而我 則是隔天飛 是的 預計 5/25/2006 早上4:30起來 6:00機場報到 選期不如撞期 因此就抱病上工囉 這組精彩的人像在 5/24/2006 接近23:00時完工 收拾燈光設備 檢查明天的行李 打包器材 設定兩個鬧鐘 順便打電話給一位值夜班的朋友 想請他叫我起床 希望落空 梳洗上床 已經是 5/25/2006, 1:30了

Hairstyle by Simon
Photographed by Don Schumann
Lighting & Setup by Don Schumann
Creation & Makeup by Don Schumann
Target Market Tends to Taiwan & China

More eye-catching pictures at,

In Three Hours..


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