Gül Reçeli

Tea always is not a cup of my "coffee", never floral tea, no no 

#MonringWalk #MorningWorkOuts #DailyRitual #Regimen #Recuperating #Sky #Flowers #MemoryLane #Woods #PicnicBreakfast #Floral #Selfie #Colors #Solitary #Sole #Reflections #CloudLover #DailyMuse #Scenery #Motivational #Serenity #Uplifting #LightsAndShadows #Trees #Greens #ShadowsInSunlight #BreakfastPerson #EmotionalUniverse #Topherculitis #LiveSpherically

Recently I had tried this Turkish rose petal jam, out of my natural curiosity, completed with a mug of, you know what, rose milk tea!

It turned out that the runny jam/jelly itself was so bland but sugary, nothing more! The supposed supporting role of rose milk tea happened to brim with the fragrance. That rekindled my long lost love of flowers and greens. 


I used to live in some big houses. 

There must be some (6+ footer) giant Yellow Palm, variants of Devil's Ivy/Pothos, (from imported frozen bulbs) Tulips (yes, I had successfully incubated them from bulbs to repeatedly bloom yearly, indoors and in Asia!), also (man-size) large Malabar-Chestnut and... in my living room; 

Man's den must be decorated with the Money Tree, Aloe Vera, Cactus, Perfume Rose, Pansy, a number of foliage plants and counting; 

The tableware always is garnished with Lavender, Roses and some greens,... served as my side dishes; 

Where I whip up my daily meals and bakings has been dominated mainly by Herbs; 

The center stage in the bedrooms are dotted with pink or pale pink Carnations and Calming Plants and so forth...; 

I would never furnish without abundant in humid-tolerant fern-like plants: such as Maidenhair and Adiantum,... etc in the bathrooms. 

Selfie in Bohol Island

Of course, there is various trees and lavish plants out in the big yards and gardens, home to chirping birds, colorful bees and butterflies, and my favourite squirrels. 


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