Director's Club

#MondayMemories #MotivationalMonday #Cinema #DirectorCinemaClub #TVStation #Nikon #Endorser #Manila #SoapOpera #Acting #Actor #MarketingMonday #MindfulMonday #Media #Camera #GSA #Glam #MondayMotivation 

I am lying posing in the reclining sofa inside the Director's Cinema Club for a group of multinational people, December 2006 

My clients deliberately arranged it for my crew and I to visit the director's Studio in Manila (Philippines) and to lie down and watch the movie. So thrilled. 

How could I not to take a selfie here in this room for this tour? Unexpectedly, after I allowed my assistant AJ to photograph me. All other accompanying members also clicking their cameras to take pictures. Including accompanied Philippine officials and media too asked me to pose for them (the chain reaction?). Later, even the film company's people came to get a leg up. 

It's all premeditated! The following month, Manila's TV station tried to persuade me to star a leading role in a new soap opera and the local GSM wanted me to be their Nikon Philippines' endorser in 2007 Springtime. 


在業者刻意安排下 Don和組員們有幸前往(菲律賓)馬尼拉市的導演試片室裡參觀 還可以躺著看電影 很興奮耶 

怎能不留下到此一遊照呢 想不到 讓助手AJ側拍後 我其他隨行的成員也一一要求幫我拍 簡直是反客為主 居然 陪同前往的菲律賓官員們也有樣學樣 不是要求被我拍 而是叫我擺姿勢給他們拍照 (這是什麼情況發生 連鎖反應嗎?) 後來 連電影公司的人也來湊上一腳 

原來他們是預謀的! 相隔一個月 2007年春季 馬尼拉電視台正籌備一檔偶像劇 不斷地邀約 想找我擔任其中之一的主角 另有尼康相機菲律賓總代理 打算請我做他們的代言人 


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