Northern Most Japan

6/14/1992, Japan 

Japan Northern Most Certificate

Northern Most Japan

Today, David Shumaker and I were bear-hugging and excitedly laughing, talking to each other. It was June 14th of Heisei 4 (6/14/1992). We made it. We had reached the Northern Most Tip of Japan Territory after 3 weeks in Hokkaido! My buddy and I were planning for year then traveled far to fullfill our dream goal. One of our goals to Japan. One at a time and counting on...


今天 大衛‧舒馬克 跟我不禁狠狠地熊抱 興奮地狂笑、交談 這個日子是平成4年6月14日 (1992/6/14) 我們辦到了 我們在北海道旅行三星期後 終於抵達日本領土最北端了! 我的同伴和我經年累月的盤算 並且不遠千里迢迢前來完成我們的夢想 這只是我們在日本許多的圓夢計畫之一 按部就班的來 持續不懈地尚待我們一一去完成…


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