Always Expatriate


The Other Night a friend in Japan, K, who asked me "Where (means refers to country) will you like to be when you get old?" Well, honestly, I do not even know where (refers to country) my next assignment is going to take me either!

I do not care where life will take you or anyone else. Just like the German says "Daß ich eine Schneeflocke wär". Because I am an always-connected world expatriate.

前幾天晚上 在日本的朋友 K 問我 “你將來老了 希望待在哪裡 (意指 國家) 養老?” 好吧 我就實話實說囉 我甚至連下一趟出國工作的地點都還不知道咧!

我從不在乎 生命將會把人領往何方 包含你或者是任何的人 好比中國人所說的 “我只是一片雲彩” 因為我是一個永遠的外國僑民

Don's Note on 4/27/2008: The reason I start writing "My Days in San Francisco/Gifu Ken/Osaka/London/Venice/San Gabriel series" was being inspired by 42° S' blog entry of "My New House" by Solo.

Don 在2008/4/27日的註解:我會著手動筆寫 “我在 舊金山/岐阜縣/大阪/倫敦/威尼斯/聖蓋堡 的日子系列” 的原因 是受到Solo在南緯42度部落格中 “我的新家” 一文的啟發

You might enjoy the following posts,

My Days in San Francisco

My Days in Gifu Ken

My Days in Osaka

My Days in London

My Days in Venice

My Days in San Gabriel


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