Prudent Wandering

My ongoing volunteering life twenty eight months on...
Unless specified, all are cell phone images by Don Schumann

It is meant for exploring territories that are off the beaten track and not all those who wander are lost

My ongoing volunteering life twenty eight months on...

Collaborating, sometimes on tour, with American, Australian, Fijian, Japanese, Korean, Papua New Guinean, Taiwanese,... organizations
Photo by reporter Du


Soup kitchen: daily cooking, food and goods supply storage/distributions, cleaning, clerk work, fixing things, fundraising,...

Charity groups: dancing, singing, speeches, live event (stage sounds: both analog and digital consoles) mixing, DMX (digital lighting) tech man, mouthpiece, copywriter, interpretation,...

Collaborating, sometimes on tour, with American, Australian, Fijian, Japanese, Korean, Papua New Guinean, Taiwanese,... organizations
Photo by reporter Du

Collaborating, sometimes on tour, with American, Australian, Fijian, Japanese, Korean, Papua New Guinean, Taiwanese,... organizations
Photo by reporter Du

Taking Shape Anew

During this time you become more involved in service to others, in a different way, perhaps on a personal level by taking care of someone who is around you or perhaps through an institution, where you help take care of the needy or disadvantaged, or simply/mostly greedy in local.

Thanks to the McNally father & son, T. Tarpy and S. Lee, I will be able to make many comfort foods, (like classic fried salmon, New England chowder, Italian pastas, salami sandwiches, patty melt burgers,...) made of all imported ingredients...

On the other hand, you may change to a field of lifestyle in which social service is the goal. Welfare or social work and nursing - particularly psychiatric nursing - are appropriate to this influence. What happens is that you identify your personal gratification with service to the larger social order. Personal reward or personal recognition for your efforts are not important to you now, and you may be quite content to work behind the scenes.

On the negative side, your own ego drives are usually not very strong under this influence, which is why you are able to engage in the kinds of work described above. But this means that you may not stand up for your own valid interests or take adequate care of your own world, "an adoptee's years back to life." Sometimes personal relationships suffer at times like this because you do not consider them important enough. You think that they are only gratifying to you personally and are therefore not significant.

If that is the case, you are forgetting that you must take care of your personal needs, not merely to gratify your ego, but also to make you a healthy and happy human being. Only if you are happy and healthy can you be really effective. One cannot live on self-sacrifice forever, and if you try, you are likely to become a depressing and joyless person.

Those who are most effective in helping society are also able to enjoy themselves.

You are not the same person you were even two years something ago, and it is about time to let the upgraded version of the Capricorn run the show. Be authentic at all costs. You are never too old, or too early, to change, evolve or even completely reinvent yourself, again!

Collaborating, sometimes on tour, with American, Australian, Fijian, Japanese, Korean, Papua New Guinean, Taiwanese,... organizations


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