Love is Where You are

My own second Thai cooking at a culinary school (first time was for another German magazine), during the SARS outbreak (on assignments for a French magazine), in Chiangmai, Thailand

"Make the most of what you have and keep your standards high. Never settle for anything less than you deserve or are capable of achieving."

#Motivational #Scenery #Wholesomeness #Photography #Horticulture #WorkingWorldwide #Hotels #Evolution #Palette #EatFamous #Flashback #Designs #FrequentFlyer #ColorScheme #WorkAroundGlobe #EmotionalUniverse #HotelSampling #HomeAwayFromHome #Originality #HomeBase #Glam #HomeBased #Topherculitis #LiveSpherically

"May you feel a wealth of love this Valentine's Day!"

Most importantly, Valentine's Day everyday!


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