
Showing posts from 1994

Ohida 奧飛驒地區

日本飛驒地區巡禮 大雪紛飛--飛驒民俗村 日本飛驒地區 Don Schumann 位於飛驒民俗村西側陡峭的山坡之上,所有的建築物依著地勢由低而高呈漸層型式排列,並且整個保留區的基地高出週邊的環境許多,巧妙地利用高低落差,將一切現代化的產物全數摒擋在視線之外,也心思細膩地運用日本最善長的庭園借景技術,把遠方雄偉的日本阿爾卑斯山群的黑部五郎岳(標高2,840公尺)、穗高連峰(標高 3,190公尺)、燒岳(標高2,455公尺)、乘鞍岳(標高3,026公尺) 等超人氣的名岳一一囊括在眼前。

TV Commercial Top Artist 3/4 電視廣告 頂級化妝師

Saipan, 8/24/1994 我和電視廣告頂級化妝...小姑娘 ML. 3/4 塞班島篇

TV Commercial Top Artist 2/4 電視廣告頂級化妝師

Guam, 8/19 - 8/24 in 1994 我和電視廣告頂級化妝...小姑娘 ML. 2/4 關島篇

TV Commercial Top Artist 1/4 電視廣告頂級化妝師

Taiwan, 8/18/1994 我和電視廣告頂級化妝...小姑娘 ML. 1/4 台灣篇

War Frenzy 1/3

Someday in April, 1994 War Frenzy 1/3 I took 3 assignments in 3 countries in a day. Yes, you heard it "In A Day," period. I was catching flights running between three countries in the exactly same workday, in just one breath

War Frenzy 2/3

Someday in April, 1994 One of the fastest ways to collect my mileage plus points War Frenzy 2/3 I took 3 assignments in 3 countries in a day. Yes, you heard it "In A Day". I was catching flights running between three countries in the exactly same workday, in just one breath

War Frenzy 3/3

 Someday in April, 1994 War Frenzy 3/3 I took 3 assignments in 3 countries in a day. Yes, you heard it "In A Day". I was catching flights running between three countries in the exactly same workday, in just one breath