Kahway or Gahwa?

An Arabian oil lantern shown at Bait al Zubair museum, located near the Ministry of Information on Al Saidiya Street, Muscat, Oman

In modern times, "Kaldi Coffee" or "Kaldi's Coffee" is a popular name for coffee shops and coffee roasting companies


Kaldi, noticing that when his flock nibbled on the bright red berries of a certain bush they became more energetic (jumping goats), chewed on the fruit himself. His exhilaration prompted him to bring the berries to an Islamic holy man in a nearby monastery. But the holy man disapproved of their use and threw them into a fire, from which an enticing aroma billowed. The roasted beans were quickly raked from the embers, ground up, and dissolved in hot water, yielding the world's first cup of coffee.


The story is probably apocryphal, as it was first related by Antoine Faustus Nairon, a Maronite who became a Roman professor of Oriental languages and author of one of the first printed treatises devoted to coffee, De Saluberrima potione Cahue seu Cafe nuncupata Discurscus (Rome, 1671).

"The myth of Kaldi the Ethiopian goatherd and his dancing goats, the coffee origin story most frequently encountered in Western literature, embellishes the credible tradition that the Sufi encounter with coffee occurred in Ethiopia, which lies just across the narrow passage of the Red Sea from Arabia's western coast."

品嚐惡魔果實 好“嗨”的滋味

Don Schumann

英文的咖啡一詞是源自於阿拉伯古老的歷史飲品,早在13 世紀之前咖啡的被發現然後被當成可口飲料,原稱 Kahway (發音:咖灰 在下萬萬想不到古代中東人的台灣國語遠比我還要更道地) 或 Gahwa。

根據阿拉伯傳說,西元850年一位埃塞俄比亞山羊牧者名為卡立得,注意到在艷陽下昏昏欲睡的羊群,每次在啃食一些莓果以後馬上精神高亢、不停奔跑嬉戲。於是好奇的卡立得把整顆莓果拿來吃或研磨並煮沸飲用。當他的妻子發現卡立得變得如此精力充沛,進而敦促他應該和當地的神職人員分享這個神奇的發現。剛開始,教主認為 Gahwa “是惡魔的果實” 並沒有分享卡立得的熱情,逕自把豆子扔入火中企圖驅逐他們的邪厄。很快地,修道院裡充滿了前所未有、且難以言喻的獨特烘焙芳香,其它的修士無不聞香而至地趕來搜索新發現的源泉。


*Don 的筆記: 他為什麼不自己先喝?

More eye-catching pictures at (Remix link below),

Arabic Coffee Pot


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