In Front of My Hotel Villa 在我的飯店小屋前留影

Dos Palmas Resort, 18:00

Photo by James

We had just checked in this island resort this late afternoon. This is my own hotel room behind me, as my home away from home for the following days.

This 2-floors-building has 4 bedrooms, each bedroom can accommodate up to 6 persons and remains roomy, every room has its own huge bathroom.

日落前後 我們才登陸這個島嶼飯店 在我後面的這一棟 就是我接下來幾天的臨時住家

每一棟都是2層建築 共有4個房間 各個房間最多可容納到6個人而且還很寬敞 每個臥室都有它自己超大的浴室空間


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