Cebu Airport 2006 宿霧機場


Photo by Assistant R.

Chief Tourism Operation Officer, Ms. Bueno, came to pick us up at the Cebu Airport for the multinational Media Conference for TV/Newspapers/Magazines in Spring time of 2006.

Although this was not the first time for Ms. Bueno leading the airport reception, I would never expect it to be anticipated ostentation such greatly right after we landed. I thought about hopping in the vehicles and soaring directly to the luxury hotel for a good night's sleep originally. The surprise came right up at the end of the airplane bridge gate to sense those unexpected media reporter group swarming up and attacking us with their (cameras') flashguns. Ho… Should have had informed me beforehand. Because I felt a little embarrassed for getting caught while my drowsy look with eyelids swelling and the messy hair in the glare of the public eye.

The very next day, 1/6/2006 to participate in a five hours long, 19 groups of international magazines/newspapers and television media reporters gather at the same time.

2006年開春 參與一場在宿霧舉行的 (菲律賓國家) 官辦跨國電視/報紙/雜誌記者會 菲律賓國家觀光部 副部長 Ms. Bueno 親自率領大批官員來到機場幫我們獻花接風

雖然 這已經不是第一次勞動觀光部副部長帶隊出馬 但是 沒預期排場會這麼大 本來以為著陸後就可趨車直奔超豪華的飯店睡大頭覺 出乎意料之外就在飛機空橋閘口上 竟然還有媒體記者在跟拍 Ho... 也不事先通知一下 瞧我一臉因為趕通告趕到眼皮浮腫 睡眼惺忪 還好頭髮很乖 眾目睽睽之下還真有點不好意思

隔天 1/6/2006 參與了一場五小時 共19組跨國平面和電視媒體的記者會


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