Surprise! Dream Vacation Islands

9/22/2007, 14:00, rain in Manila

Resort in Boracay

P, the boss of this project, and his best right hand man L were accompanying me to fly the earliest flight to Philippines for work. First stop Manila, Boracay next. Our domestic flights (back and forth to Boracay via Caticlan) were all arranged by a Manila based travel agency. The boss J of the local travel agent insisted on giving us a welcome lunch upon our arrival in Manila.

It was kind of awkward over the tedious lunch at first. Until L presented J "Dream Vacation Islands," one of my latest work of books. Suddenly the Boracay subject injected the fuels to talk about around four of us.

Boracay Book Cover

A couple days later, the boss J flew to Boracay to join us. He excitedly told me that he stays in Philippines over 22 years, he is originating from Mainland China. And He phoned to his travel agent connections in China to announce that finally found a Boracay travel book printed in Chinese by me. There was more astoundingly good news happening: all his friends and clients had no problems to pick up the book copies right from the bookstore shelves in China as soon as being informed by J. My book!

Resort in Boracay

9/22/2007 14:00 下雨天在馬尼拉

Manila Bay Sunset

P是我這份工作的老闆 帶著他的最佳左右手L 伴隨著我搭乘最早的班機去菲律賓工作 首站在馬尼拉停留 然後要去長灘島 我們在菲律賓的國內航班 (來回都是經過 Caticlan 到長灘島) 全部都是透過馬尼拉當地一家旅行社安排的 當我們抵達馬尼拉的時候 那家旅行公司的老闆J堅持請我們吃歡迎午餐

剛開始是有點兒彆扭的 繁瑣的一頓商業飯局 一直到L把隨身帶來我最新發行的 “窩在五星級小島” 一書送給了J 突然之間 長灘島熱絡談論話題的注入 才為我們打破尷尬的場面

Manila Bay Sunset

幾天後 當地旅行社的老闆J飛行到長灘島加入我們 他很興奮地告訴我 他在菲律賓已經待了22年 他來自於中國大陸 他在拿到我的書當天就打電話回中國給他當地的旅行代理人說 “終於發現第一本以中文撰寫關於長灘島的旅行書” 接著還有更令人驚奇的好消息發生:同時 在J通知他所有在中國的朋友和客戶之後 遠在中國的他們也一一的從當地的書店架子上買到我的書耶!

Manila Bay Sunset


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