#SundayFunday #Flashback #WorkAroundWorld #WorkingWorldwide #Burma #China #Egypt #France #Holland #Italy #India #Kenya #Korea #Libya #Manila #Nepal #Peru #Thailand #Photography #Commercial #Love #HorseDrawn #Carriage #HorseDrawnCarriage #Topherculitis #LiveSpherically I am just back from Manila. What about You?
My Pusan article appears in an international in-flight magazine 釜山補元氣 南韓釜山 Pusan (Busan), South Korea Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!) 秋冬想要出遊補元氣嗎?那麼擁有神奇療效溫泉與山海完美結合的釜山,絕對是您不可錯過的地方,加上國際知名的人蔘專賣店、有保暖及提神作用的雪濃湯、參雞湯等元氣料理,讓您精神口腹都能獲得滋補。
Well, since I named myself a "Hotel Trotter" roaming over twenty years, as of the time of this writing in 2009 (note: while pictures were taken almost a decade prior to this writing). Let me start to share with you some of my memorable hotels' experience in Asia countries, I rarely mentioned — Singapore
Ancient lost city in northeast Thailand 泰國下東北五府 世人遺忘的角落 武里喃府 (Original articles previously published in French/German/Taiwanese geographic magazines in early 2000's) Buriram, Lower Northeastern Thailand by Don Schumann
What was routine is now sacred However, even the most precious parts of your life must adapt to the changing circumstances, requiring you to leave behind what was once immutable and vital. Your lack of attachment to those things you cherish stands as a shining example for your peers. Nevertheless, there’s no reason to be casual about whatever is fading into the past. Carefully consider each decision. Responsible authority is your middle name. You are the clock that others set their watches to when they want to be right. #MonringWalk #MorningMusings #DailyRitual #GreenThumb #Gardening #DailyMuse #LightsAndShadows #Greens #Floral #Scenery #Garden #Palette #Woods #Serenity #MeTime #Gardener #allkindsofnature #ColorScheme #Serendipity #GreenFingers #EmotionalUniverse #AloneTime #Nature #Motivational #Uplifting #Topherculitis #LiveSpherically
「空中謎城」馬丘比丘 "High in the Andes of Peru" Machu Picchu 南美洲秘魯 馬丘比丘 Machu Picchu, Peru, South America Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)
This is one of my spanning-over-ten-year-long Sunday full-page columns published, for a major newspaper, a decade back! And now. Let's go digital and make it a Sunday column too, read on...
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