
Showing posts from 2000

Express Yourself

Let it all out!

First Edinburgh Experience 1999

Snow in Scotland, October 1999 1999 , I decided to fly from Los Angeles, my U.S. home base, to England for holidays

Carnival of Shopfront Signage

週日全版專欄 [影像行旅] 招牌的園遊盛會 撰文·攝影 / 唐 Don Schumann 一股滅頂般的繽紛巨浪,隨即侵襲了我整個視覺,顫震了我每條神經。然而,是什麼樣的力量造就了這樣的環境呢?

Ruins and Remains

UNESCO helps rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated struck by Volcán de Agua in Central America

Charing Cross Road

在英國倫敦市區 到查林十字路走一回 必有黃金屋、顏如玉 文/攝影 Don Schumann


Ama Sua, Ama Llulla, Ama Qella 揭開祕魯的神秘面紗 南美洲秘魯 Peru, South America Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in newspaper in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Cusco 庫司科

Plaza de Armas 「世界中心」聖城庫司科 "Center of the World" Cusco 南美洲秘魯 庫司科 Cusco (Cuzco, or "Qosqo" in Quechua), Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!) 當地有些人說著西班牙語,在西班牙風格的建築群中穿梭,但是,此處卻不是西班牙,這是「世界的中心」。

Peter Rabbit

到英國湖區 不可錯過可愛的彼得兔 英國湖區 Don Schumann

Landmark Stands on the River!

This daily news full-page article was previously published on one of my running-over-one-decade-long Sunday columns 地標,站在河面上!- 英倫塔橋面面觀 Landmark Stands on the River! : London Tower Bridge 英國 倫敦 London, England Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Largo de Titicaca

「文明搖籃」迪迪喀喀湖 "Cradle of Civilization" Largo de Titicaca 浩翰湛藍的湖水 我們生活在水與天堂之間 Our Life Between Waters and Heaven 南美洲秘魯 迪迪喀喀湖 Titicaca Lake, Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Biyu Jiang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Mira Flores 米菈弗若蕊斯

「模範之都」利馬的米菈弗若蕊斯 "Model Capital" Mira Flores, Lima 南美洲秘魯 利馬 Lima, Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)


「大地圖章」納茲卡 南美洲秘魯 Don Schumann


「東南大城」阿雷基帕 "Southeast Heartland" Arequipa La Ciudad Blanca (the White City) The Rome of America 南美洲秘魯 阿雷基帕 Arequipa, Peru, South America Interviewed accounts orally: Don Schumann Co-Editor: Mana Huang (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in in-flight magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Machu Picchu

「空中謎城」馬丘比丘  "High in the Andes of Peru" Machu Picchu 南美洲秘魯 馬丘比丘 Machu Picchu, Peru, South America Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting original published article in magazine in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)


「神聖山谷」 "Holy Valley" 南美洲秘魯 烏魯邦巴 Urubamba, Peru, South America Don Schumann (My apologies to all English speakers for posting one of the original published articles in magazines in Traditional Chinese. Please make good use of your internet translator!)

Le Spezie Nella Cucina Italiana

#Culinary #Pizza #Cheese #Pasta #Italian #Chunky  #EatFamous #WorkingWorldwide #Foodie #WorkAroundWorld #Italian #Saporito #Savory #Flavory #Delicacy #TasteBuds #Pastrami #Salami #Pepperoni #PattyMelt #GrilledCheese #Styles #Photography #EatAlong #Tantalizing #Palate #EatAlongWithMe #EatAlongTheWay #Topherculitis #LiveSpherically  I had never considered myself as a pizza-and-pasta lover  

My Language Preference 我的語言習慣

My language preference works almost identically as my Macs 我的語言習慣就跟我所擁有的每一台蘋果電腦的語言運作方式完全一樣