Waterfront Pavilion Hotel & Casino

12/9 - 12/12/2005

I had bidden farewell to those who were working with me in a famous tourist destination a couple of days back. Today, I caught the early flight and flew in to Manila to regroup with my other teammates already here awaiting.

Now, I (and my new team) checked in at (now called, Waterfront) Pavilion Hotel & Casino in Manila today for a 3-days Christmas photographic project. Of course, I get to stay at a king-size bedroom by myself, as usual. Hey, hey...

3 days after I will have to be flying to another city to meet with yet another group of crew/assistants and models/entertainers for next glamorous shoot session.

我向一群工作小組道別 他們過去那幾天跟我在一個著名的旅遊勝地上工 然后 今天我趕了早班飛機到馬尼拉 與已經就定位在這裡等候我的另一組人馬重新組合

現在 我 (跟我的新組員) 剛剛登記入住在馬尼拉的這家 (現稱 Waterfront) Pavilion Hotel & Casino 這是一份3天關於聖誕題材的拍攝工作 當然囉 依照慣例 我得以獨享這間國王床的飯店客房 嘿 嘿...

在這3天之後 我將再度飛行到另一個城市 去跟又另一組的攝影助理/團隊 還有 模特兒/藝人們會合 準備出外景拍寫真


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