Busy December, Again!


Taiwan TVBS Weekly doing a 10 pages feature (published already) for this "Dream Vacation Islands" travel book. Please go check it out and keep a couple copies for me if possible

台灣 TVBS 的食尚玩家雜誌為個人出版 “窩在五星級小島” 一書 撰寫整整十頁的大篇幅書摘

King Stone Book Store chain, throughout Taiwan, will have a promotional activity for "Dream Vacation Islands" going on next week.

台灣全省的金石堂書局 專為 “窩在五星級小島” 一書舉行促銷活動 為期一周

My first waves of bus-wrapped self promotional (as an international endorser and their national official photographer) advertising, initiatived by Department of Tourism of Philippines, is being posted on Taipei city buses will be runing a whole month.

由菲律賓國家觀光部主動出資並發起 個人首波宣傳 (以其國際代言人與國家首席官方攝影師的身份) 專屬的多輛台北市公車車廂外大型廣告 為期一個月

My exclusive interview by We*People magazine (CN/HK/TW) will be released in the December issue.

個人接受香港 “東西名人” 名流雜誌 (CN/HK/TW) 獨家專訪在十二月號刊出

Will have some back-to-back interviews by including my old pals, frequent shows, from BCC Taiwan (radio), British media, Philippine newspapers and even Canadian Fairchild Radio etc., too.

將接受中廣流行網數個節目、英國媒體、菲律賓報紙 與 加拿大中文電台採訪


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