5/20-5/25/2007, Notice

I am out of town for "Dream Vacation Islands Part II" and working with TV media from Taiwan on locations. Will not be available between 5/20 - 5/25/2007. Just in case, if you need to contact me, please try to SMS and/or email me, or leave your messages here. Here is my local number +63.919.8830.210 as well. Thank you.

正在進行“窩在五星級小島 Part II”系列 5/20 - 5/25/2007 期間 與來自台灣的電視節目一起出外景工作 期間 如有要事 請以簡訊或電郵聯絡 在此部落格留言亦可 另有當地電話備詢


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