Let's Dance

8/18 - 8/31/2007


在太平洋海域上 大飛機接小飛機 大巴士換小巴士 大船駁小船 一海島又是一海島 這樣的日子 已經連續十幾天過著 我們一行五人 被大早大晚的旅程折磨得慘兮兮 再加上熱帶颱風一前一後無情的夾擊 今天好不容易才登上另一個奢華的私有海島飯店 卻在傾盆大雨中硬是動彈不得 我只能把自己關在豪華水上別墅生悶氣 助手撐著溼漉漉的大傘前來 伸手遞給了我一張跟飯店借來的音樂碟片 把它塞入房間裡這家飯店最新升級配備(我最愛)的 Bose CD 音響

Let's Dance

We were, 5 of us, unceasingly catching from international flights to domestic airplanes, from big coaches to mini vans, from ferries to small boats, from one island to another islands on the tropical waters for more than 10 days already, this trip. And on top of that, suffered miserably from the before-dawn early morning travel and working late at nights. Not to mention the attacks between the tropical typhoons. Today, we landed on another private luxury island resort were in the torrential downpour actually could not go anywhere, do any shooting. I locked myself in the water villa room getting angry. My assistant came to my doorstep with a drenched big umbrella in his hand, holding out a music CD borrowed from the hotel with another hand. I inserted it into (my favorite) Bose CD player, the newest upgraded equipment in my room.

I see those vulnerable eyes
They're as deep as the darkest of coeans
I sense the lonliest heart
Holding back your fragile emotions
I feel you wanna let go
Inside of my arms just know
You're safe with me, let's

sang by Mario Frangoulis

令人陶醉的聲音從立體聲喇叭播送著 不斷地敲打著我的聽覺 浪漫樂曲的情懷 持續地舒緩著我的神經 適時地鼓舞著我的頹喪士氣

The infatuated sounds broadcasting from the stereo loudspeakers. It struck my sense of hearing. I felt like it was the most romantic music moods to mellow my nerves unceasingly. Just in time to raise my dispirited morale.

Why don't we dance and pretend we know how to fly
Like we've never been scared of heights
No fear of falling
Love like we've never been hurt before
Forget where our feet will land
And just dance


More eye-catching pictures at,

Water Villa at Lagen, El Nido


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