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About Hotel Trotter - Me, Don (1/11/2010 Updated)

Hotel Trotter's previous blog

The travel accommodations is an important matter, as it concerns me.

It has been over 22 years now, because of assignment works. Also, not only taking off for business frequently, in addition to individual traveling. I am flying one to three, or four destinations, worldwide, monthly. Anyway, I am always on the road. So, I am luckily getting to stay so many accommodations every year. Tens to hundred lodgings a year. I am roaming from home-stays to motels, then to boutique hotels. I am trotting from inns to 5-star resorts, then to 7-star hotels. You just name it!

*Previous Homebases
Central Japan, Los Angeles in USA, London of UK

*Current Homebase

Abu Dhabi of U.A.E., Arizona of US, Belgium, Brunei, California of US, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Dubai of U.A.E., England, France, Germany, Guatemala, Guam, Hawaii, Holland, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, New Mexico of US, Oman, Palau, Peru, Philippines, Saipan, Scotland, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam,...

關於旅店浪人 - 我, Don (1/11/2010 更新)

Hotel Trotter's current blog



日本中部 美國洛杉磯 英國倫敦


阿布達比/阿拉伯聯合酋長大公國, 美國亞歷桑那州, 比利時, 汶萊, 美國加州, 柬埔寨, 哥斯大黎加, 杜拜/阿拉伯聯合酋長大公國, 英國, 法國, 德國, 瓜地馬拉, 關島, 夏威夷, 荷蘭, 香港, 日本, 寮國, 列支敦斯登, 盧森堡, 澳門, 馬來西亞, 馬爾地夫, 美國新墨西哥州, 阿曼王國, 帛琉, 秘魯, 菲律賓, 塞班, 蘇格蘭, 新加坡, 南韓, 臺灣, 泰國, 越南, ...


  1. 很羨慕你有這樣的工作,

  2. Hi San,

    Thanks for dropping me a note!

  3. hi
    dear Don
    thanks you join me
    and I am very intrsting your blog
    keep in touch

  4. Hi Jason,

    I am glad you like my blog. Thanks for the note.

    (Sorry, join what?)



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