Survived First Trip to Nuclear Plant

Read'em and weep fellas...

The alarm went off with loud buzzing.

I was taking an assignment to work inside the nuclear power plants, down to the core, HARD CORE! I got this request from an international geographic magazine in 1997. Today was the last day, the last and the biggest plant for us. After days' working in 3 nuclear power stations. We went into the nearest level to the core heat source for this plant, taking pictures by scheduled. I realized that we and the cooling system, reactor and the fuel were just only in the-thick-bluish-metal-cover away.

Hours after, we happily wrapped things up and approached to the way out. The staff joked about things like "The alarm usually likes to bully the new guests and goes off scaring their pants off!" Accompanying staff and my editor/writer passed through the gate with silence. Those staff seemed bored of nothing happened. I was the last one to go through the detection. The alarm went off as it detected radiation leaks while I tried to get pass through the detection gate. Everyone laughed in great amusement. So they began the old jokes again. They reset the settings. No way! I withdrew then stepped back in the chamber. It actually went off loud again. I felt bad now. All staff's faces grimaced. 3rd attempt at making the same result. Their faces were green and turning greener. Well, I was amused then. But, I Just Wanted To Get Out This Door And Go Home Now! Until 4th try.


1997年,任務是由一本跨國際的地理雜誌邀請的。我得去核能發電站裡面拍照工作,而且,還要下到反應爐核心,核心部分! 今天是最後的工作天,我們要採訪的是最後也是最大的核能廠,這幾天的工作總共去3家核能發電站,按照預定的拍相片排程,我們下到最接近電廠的核心熱源位置,我意識到,我們和冷卻系統、反應爐與燃料間的距離僅剩這片厚實藍色的金屬蓋。

幾個小時以後,我們愉快地收工了事。走到了接近出口,職員們玩笑地提起關於 “警報器通常喜歡欺負新來的客人,常把他們嚇到尿褲子!” 陪同的職員和我的編輯/作者們,安安靜靜地穿越了檢測門,那些職員似乎不耐煩沒什麼事情發生。我是最後一個進入偵查器,警報聲響起來它顯示查到了輻射洩漏,就在我準備通過偵查室時,大家都自娛地大笑了。因此,他們又開始了老笑話,他們重新設置了機器設定,不行! 我退出了檢查間然後再次進入測試,它真的又再度大聲叫了,我現在的感覺很糟,所有的職員開始扳起面孔。第3次嘗試還是同一個結果,他們的面孔發綠了,鐵青得很難看。眼看著嚇壞表情的他們,現在,換我覺得好玩了,但是,現在我只想走出這道門和回家! 直到第4次嘗試。


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