1, 2, 3, Go Taiwan

TaiDong a hilly region in Eastern Taiwan

1, 2, 3, go Taiwan

1 2 3 到台灣
(1, 2, 3, go Taiwan)

(Taiwan has a Ya Li Shan/mountain)

<above is a snippet of a catchy child song in Taiwan>

到了台灣 沒空去爬山 因為要補眠
(Go Taiwan, no time for mountain climbing because I have to catch up on many nights' lost sleep.)

前幾天 在其他國家的工讓我少睡了好幾個晚上
(I stayed awake working in the previous country for days, nonstop!)

1 2 3 到台灣
(1, 2, 3, go Taiwan)

(Taiwan has only pillow mountain to offer (for me).)


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