6/30/2007, 20:00 GMT +8

Fake Twitter by Don Schumann

Over the grand party, one of the Taiwanese advertising ladies asked if I were Filipinos or Indonesian? (21 hours ago)

Bumped into a Japanese boss of my old client. We had been working together in Hawaii some 12 years ago. (23 hours ago)

Sat next to Akane Souma at the same table, she looked terrific. (25 hours ago)

AJ is challenging his first stage play debut in 3 months. (25 hours ago)

My social party date tonight, a hotshot fashion model, called in sick. (29 hours ago)

Upgraded my Mac OS to OSX 10.4.10. (48 hours ago)

冒牌 Twitter / Don Schumann

在盛大的晚會中 一位台灣廣告人 好奇地追問我到底是菲律賓人或是印尼人? (21個小時前)

碰到一位日本老闆 我的老客戶 至少12年前 我們一起在夏威夷工作過 (23個小時前)

在旁邊跟我坐在同一張餐桌的是相馬茜 她看起來容光煥發 (25個小時前)

AJ 準備三個月後 挑戰他的舞台劇處女作 (25個小時前)

我今天晚會的伴 一位炙手可熱的時裝名模 生病了 通知不能來 (29個小時前)

升級了我的 Mac OS 到 OSX 10.4.10 (48個小時前)


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